Pro-Kremlin and Anti-Kremlin Telegram Narratives Dataset during Russia-Ukraine Conflict
The dataset includes Telegram channels with both pro-Kremlin and anti-Kremlin communications, collected over a timeframe covering one year prior to and one year following the Russian invasion. It consists of 404 pro-Kremlin channels featuring 4,109,645 posts and 114 anti-Kremlin channels containing 1,117,768 posts, all provided in JSON format. anti_kremlin_channel_list and pro_kremlin_channel_list encompasses details such as the channel name, username, Telegram link, and corresponding annotations.
Important Note: For proper attribution, researchers who use this dataset in their work are invited to cite the following papers that describe this dataset and an example analysis.
Bawa, A., Kursuncu, U., Achilov, D., Shalin, V. L., Agarwal, N., & Akbas, E. (2025). Telegram as a Battlefield: Kremlin-related Communications during the Russia-Ukraine Conflict. arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.01884.
Bawa, A., Kursuncu, U., Achilov, D., & Shalin, V. L. (2024). the adaptive strategies of anti-kremlin digital dissent in telegram during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.07135.
Usage metrics
- International relations
- Political theory and political philosophy
- Political science not elsewhere classified
- Applications in social sciences and education
- Information retrieval and web search
- Data mining and knowledge discovery
- Data engineering and data science
- Graph, social and multimedia data
- Data management and data science not elsewhere classified
- Natural language processing
- Artificial intelligence not elsewhere classified