Version 2 2018-11-21, 14:37Version 2 2018-11-21, 14:37
Version 1 2018-11-21, 14:28Version 1 2018-11-21, 14:28
posted on 2018-11-21, 14:37authored byDeena GendooDeena Gendoo, Robert Denroche, Amy Zhang, Nikolina Radulovich, Gun Ho Jang, Mathieu Lemire, Sandra Fischer, Dianne Chadwick, Ilinca Lungu, Emin Ibrahimov, Ping-Jiang Cao, Lincoln Stein, Julie M. Wilson, John M.S. Bartlett, Ming-Sound Tsao, Neesha Dhani, David Hedley, Steven Gallinger, Benjamin Haibe-KainsBenjamin Haibe-Kains
This dataset is linked to the following publication:
Whole Genomes Define Concordance of Matched Primary,
Xenograft, and Organoid Models of Pancreas Cancer
The Zipped folder contains processed WGS data pertaining to SSM, SV, and CNV analysis of WGS data for PDAC.
Dr. Deena Gendoo, email: Dr. Steven Gallinger, email: Dr. Benjamin Haibe-Kains, email:
Dr. Steven Gallinger & Dr. Benjamin Haibe-Kains are co-last authors of this publication.