
Observing planet-driven dust spirals with ALMA

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posted on 2022-02-13, 01:27 authored by Jess SpeedieJess Speedie, Ruobing DongRuobing Dong, Richard BoothRichard Booth

Dataset and image gallery supplementing the publication:

Speedie, J., Booth R.A. & Dong, R. (2022). Observing Planet-driven Dust Spirals with ALMA. ApJ, 930:40 (22pp).

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contains fits files of synthetic ALMA Band 7 continuum observations [mJy/beam]. contains a ready-made visualization of everything in an image gallery (and quicklook movies) of disk images [mJy/beam] and residual maps [S/N]

Loose *.mp4 files are also present in

The following model permutations are available:

1. Face-on disks:

  • x2 equation of state (isothermal, adiabatic with beta=10)
  • x3 planet mass (0.3, 1.0 and 3.0 thermal masses)
  • x4 disk optical depth (0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0 initial tau at Rp)
  • x6 requested observing sensitivity (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 uJy/beam)
  • x3 antenna configuration pairs (C43-4 + C43-7, C43-5 + C43-8, C43-6 + C43-9)

= 432 synthetic ALMA Band 7 continuum images (+24 model dust continuum emission maps that served as input [Jy/arcsec2])

2. Inclined disks:

  • x1 equation of state (adiabatic with beta=10)
  • x1 planet mass (1.0 thermal masses)
  • x4 disk optical depth (0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0 initial tau at Rp)
  • x3 disk inclinations (30, 50 and 70 degrees)
  • x2 planet position angle (on major axis, on minor axis)
  • x6 requested observing sensitivity (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 uJy/beam)
  • x1 antenna configuration pairs (C43-5 + C43-8)

= 144 synthetic ALMA Band 7 continuum images


When you make use of material from this repository, please acknowledge:

Speedie, J., Booth R.A. & Dong, R. (2022). Observing Planet-driven Dust Spirals with ALMA. ApJ, 930:40 (22pp).


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

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Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Royal Society University Research Fellowship

STFC consolidated grant ST/S000623/1

European Research Council (ERC) - PEVAP (853022) and DUSTBUSTERS (823823)

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO)
