New Structures, 1890 Seattle
This project is a tabular version of the list of new buildings listed in the January 1, 1891 Seattle Post-Intelligencer from the previous year. My friend Curt Fischer and I cleaned up the Library of Congress' OCR of three pages and restructured it in a table.
The transcription proejct is done. However, a future iteration of this table will include the current street names as well as addresses for known structures and wikipedia links for the major buildings that still exist today.
The 1890 date is significant because of the number of buildings replaced by the 1889 Great Fire in downtown, as well as Seattle's continued suburban expansion.
The pages are available for free on the Library of Congress Chronicling America site, after the Washington State Library completed a project to scan, OCR and post them. The OCR struggles with blurry 19th century type at times, though. I have links to the original text on my site