
Likely percentage of the optical character recognised word count of the average issue of the Caledonian Mercury for a given year to be duplicate material, with associated data

posted on 2018-03-25, 23:15 authored by M. H. BealsM. H. Beals
This file set contains a bar chart (BW_ProbableDuplicateMaterialPercentages.png) representing the likely percentages of duplicated news, advertising, miscellany and commentary, and numerical content in the average issue of The Caledonian Mercury (Edinburgh, Scotland) for a given year, 1825-1835.

It also contains a data table containing the OCR-calculated word count for each issue, the minimum duplicate material percentage for each issue, and the extrapolated word counts and percentages for each content type (Data_Wordcounts_CaledonianMercury_1820_1840.tsv).

The data set was derived from the British Library 19th Century Newspapers, Part 1 digital collection ( using the Scissors-and-Paste Console v.0.4.2 (

Further details are available in the included documentation file (readme.docx) and on the websites listed below.
