Version 3 2022-09-12, 13:38Version 3 2022-09-12, 13:38
Version 2 2022-09-12, 13:37Version 2 2022-09-12, 13:37
Version 1 2022-03-29, 12:10Version 1 2022-03-29, 12:10
posted on 2022-09-12, 13:37authored byArif ArrahmanArif Arrahman, Jeroen Kool, Nicholas R. Casewell, Taline D. Kazandjian, Freek J. Vonk, Kristina B. M. Still, Julien Slagboom, Govert
W. Somsen, Mark C. Wilkinson
LC-UV chromatogram of mamba (D. polylepis and D. angusticeps) and cobra (N. naja, N. pallida, N. nigricollis, N. haje, and H. haemachatus) venom. the data was obtained from RPLC-UV Shimadzu system with gradient elution.
Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) Ph.D. research studentship [S-5622/LPDP.4/2020] to A.A.
a UK Medical Research Council grant [MR/S00016X/1] and a Wellcome Trust and Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Fellowship [200517/Z/16/Z] to N.R.C.