
Jerash Interpretation

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Version 4 2020-08-03, 19:37
Version 3 2020-08-03, 19:27
Version 2 2019-06-17, 09:59
Version 1 2018-03-01, 15:54
posted on 2020-08-03, 19:37 authored by David StottDavid Stott, Rubina RajaRubina Raja, Achim LichtenbergerAchim Lichtenberger, Søren Munch Kristiansen
Vectorised interpretations of possible archaeological features identified in airborne remote sensing (airborne laser scanning and aerial photographs dating back to 1917).

Used in the following article:

Stott, D., Kristiansen, S.M., Lichtenberger, A. and Raja, R., 2018. Mapping an ancient city with a century of remotely sensed data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(24), pp.E5450-E5458.
