Hong Kong indoor air project
This package contains (almost*) all the data and code necessary to reproduce the project "Indoor air microbial communities in Hong Kong households assemble independently of occupant skin microbiomes" (Wilkins et al., EM 2015 manuscript accepted). It also includes the intermediate files (e.g. OTU tables) and results as reported in the manuscript. Instructions for reproducing the analysis are provided in the included README.md.
* Some third-party data (Greengenes and gold databases) and code (SourceTracker) are not included; however, scripts are included to automatically download the required files. The sequencing data for this project is also not included; it was uploaded to FigShare at http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1254031. An additional set of sequencing data from a previous study is also not included; instructions to obtain this data are included in the package.