Hannover Body Template
Version 9 2021-02-20, 09:13Version 9 2021-02-20, 09:13
Version 8 2021-02-19, 16:31Version 8 2021-02-19, 16:31
Version 7 2020-01-24, 10:25Version 7 2020-01-24, 10:25
Version 6 2020-01-24, 08:25Version 6 2020-01-24, 08:25
Version 5 2019-01-29, 14:11Version 5 2019-01-29, 14:11
Version 4 2019-01-28, 15:05Version 4 2019-01-28, 15:05
Version 3 2019-01-28, 15:03Version 3 2019-01-28, 15:03
Version 2 2019-01-28, 14:47Version 2 2019-01-28, 14:47
Version 1 2019-01-28, 14:44Version 1 2019-01-28, 14:44
posted on 2021-02-20, 09:13 authored by Till-Ansgar Neubert, Florian BeissnerFlorian BeissnerThis is a free body template to be used for pain drawings, discomfort drawings, symptom drawings or drawings of any bodily sensation. We developed the two-dimensional outline with the goal to cover as much of the body surface as possible in four different views. Line drawings were made from the photos of a subject who took on the different poses. The template comes in a female, a male and a sexless version that are only minimally different to allow comparison.
We also provide a dermatome overlay based on the work of Hansen and Schliack.
Horst Görtz Foundation
Usage metrics
- Other biomedical and clinical sciences not elsewhere classified
- Animal structure and function
- Neurosciences not elsewhere classified
- Anaesthesiology
- Chiropractic
- Acute care
- Traditional, complementary and integrative medicine not elsewhere classified
- Dermatology
- Health informatics and information systems
- Software engineering not elsewhere classified
- Psychophysiology
- Sensory processes, perception and performance
body templatebody outlinebody schemapain chartpain mappain body mappain diagramdermatomessegmentsbodily mapsymptom drawingMedicineAnatomyNeuroscienceAnaesthesiologyChiropracticClinical Nursing: Secondary (Acute Care)Complementary and Alternative Medicine not elsewhere classifiedDermatologyHealth InformaticsOpen SoftwareNeuroscience and Physiological PsychologySensory Processes, Perception and Performance
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