We constructed the first chromosome-level genome assembly of Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus (the HSymV2.0 assembly) using PacBio HiFi long-read sequencing and Hi-C scaffolding. The HSymV2.0 assembly (NCBI accession number: JARBIS000000000) is 483 Mb in total length with 15 chromosomes, which represent 99.8% of the assembly. We also provide its genome annotation with 25,959 protein-coding genes as well as cDNA/CDS/Protein sequences. Index for cellranger is also provided for single-cell RNA-seq analysis. The HSymV2.0 assembly will be an invaluable resource for the research community performing a wide range of studies with H. symbiolongicarpus.
Wellcome Trust Investigator award no. 210722/Z/18/Z to Uri Frank (University of Galway)
Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Research Training in Genomic Data Science (grant no. 18/CRT/6214) to Helen R Horkan (University of Galway)
The Austrian Science Fund FWF (I4353) to Oleg Simakov (University of Vienna) and Koto Kon-Nanjo (University of Vienna)
Takeda Science Foundation to Tetsuo Kon (University of Vienna)
The Mochida Memorial Foundation for Medical and Pharmaceutical Research to Tetsuo Kon (University of Vienna)
The International Medical Research Foundation to Tetsuo Kon (University of Vienna)