
German Experts on Afghanistan

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Version 5 2024-11-08, 14:55
Version 4 2024-11-08, 14:42
Version 3 2024-10-28, 13:02
Version 2 2024-04-25, 11:13
Version 1 2024-04-25, 11:04
posted on 2024-11-08, 14:55 authored by Sophia Hoffmann, Mia Geiger, Ben Jäger, Amelie HarbischAmelie Harbisch

The database was produced in the project "KNOWPRO: Knowledge Production in German Peace and Security Policy". It records Afghanistan experts active in Germany between 2001 and 2021, identified through their visibility via publications, media presence, and attributions (mentions and citations) by other experts. The database records the classification of each person as a regional or thematic expert, the number of publications on Afghanistan, the active period as an Afghanistan expert, the type of employment and the institutional assignment (university, think tank, politics).


Experts were included in the database based on their number of publications on Afghanistan, their authorship for widely cited publications, and their media presence or participation in the Study Commission on Afghanistan by the German Bundestag. Likewise, people were included when they held specifically denoted “Afghanistan” positions, were mentioned in publications or interviews, or were involved in research projects on Afghanistan in Germany. Experts were included when they either primarily worked in Germany and/or published in German (among other languages); experts working primarily in Austria and Switzerland were excluded. 

Information about experts’ employment history and job status was collated using publicly available information on institutional or individual websites and portals such as LinkedIn and Xing. Publication numbers were extracted from website publication lists or the search results obtained on Google Scholar for the keyword “Afghanistan.” A publication was counted as soon as it had Afghanistan in its title. Both academic and policy papers were included, media contributions were not counted. For the classification as a regional rather than topical expert, the ratio of publications or media contributions on Afghanistan to other publications and education and occupation in area studies rather than security studies were considered. The time active until 2022 was determined via the dates of publications and media contributions.


Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung [01UG2207B]
