Genetic and morphological data of Glandirana in East Asia
Supplimentary table 1_Locality names.xlsx: Locality names, accession numbers for mtDNA analyses, and sample size of morphological analyses.
Supplimentary table 2_Measurements.xlsx: Raw data (mm) of morphometric measurements.
12S16S_alignmentNEXUS.nex: NEXUS data of alignments of 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA of mtDNA (ambiguous regions eliminated through Gblocks).
12S16S_alignmentPHYLIP.phy: PHYLIP data of alignments of 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA of mtDNA (ambiguous regions eliminated through Gblocks).
12S16S_ML_besttree.nwk: The ML besttree inferred from 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA in mtDNA saved in NEWICK format.
12S16S_Bayes_besttree.nex: The Bayesian besttree inferred from 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA in mtDNA saved in NEWICK format.
cytb_alignment.phy: PHYLIP data of alignments of Cytochrome b of mtDNA
cytb_ML_besttree.nwk: The ML besttree inferred from Cytochrome b in mtDNA saved in NEWICK format.
SNP_ML_besttree.nwk: The ML besttree inferred from SNPs saved in NEWICK format.
SNP_alignment.phy: The PHYLIP data of SNPs examined for re-construction of phylogenetic tree.
SNP_structure_format: The STRUCTURE data of SNPs examined for STRUCTURE and PCA analyses. Raw data of SNPs (MIGseq) examined in this study.