
Georeferenced Lake Nutrient Chemistry (GLNC) Database (updated March 2019)

Version 5 2019-03-23, 20:43
Version 4 2017-03-17, 02:26
Version 3 2017-01-26, 03:08
Version 2 2017-01-26, 03:01
Version 1 2017-01-22, 23:13
posted on 2019-03-23, 20:43 authored by Jason WilliamsJason Williams

This fileset includes files associated with the Georeferenced Lake Nutrient Chemistry (GLNC) Database, which is described in an open access publication in Scientific Data:

Williams, J.J., Labou, S.G. 2017. A database of georeferenced nutrient chemistry data for mountain lakes of the Western United States. Scientific Data. 4: 170069.

The Georeferenced Lake Nutrient Chemistry (GLNC) Database was constructed to create a spatially-extensive lake chemistry database needed to assess atmospheric nutrient deposition effects on Western U.S. mountain lakes. The database includes nitrogen and phosphorus water chemistry data spanning 1964-2015, with 148,336 chemistry results from 51,048 samples collected across 3,602 lakes in the Western U.S. Data were obtained from public databases, government agencies, scientific literature, and researchers, and were formatted into a consistent table structure. All data are georeferenced to a modified version of the National Hydrography Dataset Plus version 2. The database is transparent and reproducible; R code and input files used to format data are provided in an appendix. The database will likely be useful to those assessing spatial patterns of lake nutrient chemistry associated with atmospheric deposition or other environmental stressors. The most recent version of the database was uploaded March 23, 2019.

Updates Log:

Updated March 2019 ( to correct total phosphorus (TP) units in s18 (western lake survey). In March 2017 version, orig_units were incorrect (should have been ug/L). Values in 'value' field should be have been divided by 1000 to get units of mg P/L consistent with parameter "TP_mg/L" and units "mg P/L". This has now been corrected.


National Park Service Air Resources Division (Task Agreement # P15AC01313)
