Supplementary Information for Giling et al. "Plant diversity alters the representation of motifs in food webs".
The data files provided contain the results used to generate the figures and statistical analysis in the paper, including the frequencies and representation (normalised z-scores) of each motif in each food web. These files can be used in conjunction with the provided code (R scripts 2 and 3; DOI 10.6084/m9.figshare.7605173) to reproduce the results.
Three data files are provided:
- "Giling_et_all_motif_data_full_network.csv": motif counts in the full food webs
- "Giling_et_all_motif_data_sub_network.csv": motif counts in the sub-web of consumers only
- "Giling_et_all_motif_data_complexity_scenario.csv": motif counts in the full food webs under the scenario where encounter probability decreases with plant diversity (see Supplementary Note 2).