This resource provides the dataset discussed in Schäfer (2020). Centered on the adjective 'quick', it consists of two core parts: A. Adjective-noun collocations for 'quick' and related adjectives, annotated for the semantic category of the noun. B. Collocations of three of these adjectives in the ADJ-to-INFINITIVAL constructions, and, for 'quick' and 'slow', collocations of their preverbal and postverbal adverb counterparts, 'quickly' and 'slowly'.
The methodology is described in detail in that paper. The corpus used was the Britisch National Corpus (BNC 2007).
The individual files are described in the README file.
BNC. 2007. The British National Corpus, version 3 (BNC XML edition).
SCHÄFER, Martin (2020). From
quick to quick-to-infinitival: On what is lexeme specific across
paradigmatic and syntagmatic distributions. English Language and Linguistics, 1-31. doi:10.1017/S1360674320000167
The creation of this resource was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (project A1 of the SFB 833 ‘The Construction of Meaning’, and also, for four months, the SFB 991 ‘The Structure of Representations in Language, Cognition, and Science’).