28 files

Dataset of gait and inertial sensors

Version 3 2020-03-17, 18:49
Version 2 2019-05-06, 20:00
Version 1 2019-03-18, 12:27
posted on 2020-03-17, 18:49 authored by Desiree MiraldoDesiree Miraldo, Renato Naville WatanabeRenato Naville Watanabe, Marcos DuarteMarcos Duarte
The dataset consists of all the data of the 22 healthy subjects plus one subject with foot drop. The data are stored in ASCII (text) format and can be downloaded separately or as a single compressed file. The dataset has three types of contents: data of the measured signals (data files), data of the gait events (event files), and metadata about the subjects (metadata file). The task performed by each subject was to walk barefoot six times at each of three self-paced speeds (comfortable, slow, and fast) on a 40-m long and 2-m wide walkway, without curves, with a flat and rigid surface (trials 1, 3, and 5 were in one direction, and trials 2, 4, and 6 were in the opposite direction). The order of the speeds was randomized among subjects. Each trial lasted from 30 s to 60 s. In addition, one trial was acquired with the subject standing upright and as still as possible for 10 s, for a potential calibration of the sensors. Data collection for each subject was performed in a single session, which lasted 40 min on average.

Two companion Jupyter Notebooks (available at presents the programming code to generate such analyses and other examples.


FAPESP 2015/14810-0
