DATA Evolution Questionaries.xlsx (62.12 kB)

Dataset of "Acceptance and knowledge of evolutionary theory among third-year university students in Spain"

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posted on 2020-07-08, 08:56 authored by Juan GefaellJuan Gefaell, Tamara Prieto, Mohamed Abdelaziz, Inés Álvarez, Josefa Antón, Juan Arroyo, José L. Bella, Miguel Botella, Anxela Bugallo, Vicente Claramonte, José Gijón, Emilio Lizarte, Rosa M. Maroto, Manuel Megías, Borja Milá, Cori Ramón, Marta Vila, Emilio Rolán-Alvarez
Dataset from paper "Acceptance and knowledge of evolutionary theory among third-year university students in Spain". 'Sex' (1=Man; 2=Woman; 3=Other). 'Level' represents the educational attainment of each participant (1=Bachelor; 2=Degree; 3=PhD). 'Preuniversity' represents the academic itinerary followed by each student (1=Sciences; 2=Technology; 3=Humanities; 4=Social Sciences; 5=Arts). 'University' (1=Vigo; 2=Autónoma de Madrid; 3=Alicante; 4=Sevilla; 6=Granada; 7=Valencia; 8=Complutense de Madrid; 11=Salamanca; 13=Santiago de Compostela; 14=Baleares; 33=Erasmus). 'Faculty' (1=Chemistry; 2=History; 3=Philology; 4=Biology). 'Religion' (0=No religion; 1=Religious Attendant). 'Complete' (0=Incomplete Data; 1=Complete Data). 'indexkee' represents KEE scores. 'MATE_facts' represents 'Facts' construct scores within the MATE test. 'MATE_credibility represents 'Credibility' construct scores within the MATE test.


ED431C 2016-037

