In July-August 2020
PLOS surveyed funders and institutions globally to understand if, how and why
they seek to understand the open research practices of researchers, and the
importance of related tasks, and respondents' satisfaction with their
ability to complete those tasks.
Researchers were recruited via direct
email campaigns, promoted Facebook and Twitter posts, a post on the PLOS
Blog, and emails to industry contacts who distributed the survey on our
This dataset consists of:
1) The survey sent to researchers (pdf).
2) The anonymised data export of survey
results (xlsx)
3) Additional scatter plots not included
in the associated manuscript file showing importance and satisfaction scores
by respondent cohorts (xlsx)
The data export has been processed to
retain the anonymity of participants. Some responses in columns F and H of
the 'PLOS_funder_institution_survey2' worksheet have been deleted or
partially deleted, as indicated in the relevant cells.