Version 6 2023-05-04, 12:45Version 6 2023-05-04, 12:45
Version 5 2023-05-04, 12:39Version 5 2023-05-04, 12:39
Version 3 2023-02-17, 16:28Version 3 2023-02-17, 16:28
posted on 2023-05-04, 12:45authored byAngelina Sánchez-Martí, Anna Ciraso-Calí, Héctor Fernández-Sequi, Pilar Pineda-Herrero, Carla Quesada-Pallarès
Dataset used for the study reported in Sánchez-Martí, Ciraso-Calí, Fernández-Sequi & Pineda-Herrero (2023). The school-life balance effect on acquiring cross-disciplinary competences in VET: disruption or continuity during COVID-19? Vocations and Learning (in press).
The original questionnaire was in Catalan. A translation into English is provided only for understanding porpuses, but has not been back-translated and validated.
For any inquiry about the data, the tool or the research, please contact
Project supported by the RecerCaixa 2017 call (2017ACUP00129), as part of the study entitled “Necessitats de formació a la Catalunya del futur (2030) i canvis necessaris al sistema de formació professional reglat per cobrir-les”, co-PI by Dr. Antoni Mora and Dra. Pilar Pineda.