2 files

Data from: Diversity of pollen sources used by managed honeybees in variegated landscapes

posted on 2020-05-06, 06:34 authored by Annalie MelinAnnalie Melin, Jonathan F. Colville, Res AltweggRes Altwegg, Ruhan Slabbert, Jeremy J. Midgley, Mathieu Rouget, John S. Donaldson

Supporting Raw Data

This excel contains supporting raw data for the manuscript, including: Sequence ID, collector information, date of pollen collection, Location of apiary, source of pollen

DNA Data

This file contains the DNA sequence data to support the manuscript. The key for the pollen samples, including apiary location is contained in the raw data excel spreadsheet.

From: Annalie Melin, Jonathan F Colville, Gregory D Duckworth, Res Altwegg, Ruhan Slabbert, Jeremy J Midgley, Mathieu Rouget & John S Donaldson (2020) Diversity of pollen sources used by managed honey bees in variegated landscapes, Journal of Apicultural Research, DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2020.1750757


Global Pollination Project funded by the Global Environmental Facility/United Nations Environment Programme/Food and Agricultural Organisation
