
Data and code for: Range of motion in the avian wing is strongly associated with flight behavior and body mass

Version 3 2019-10-26, 18:14
Version 2 2019-09-15, 00:56
Version 1 2019-09-15, 00:53
posted on 2019-10-26, 18:14 authored by Vikram B. BaligaVikram B. Baliga, Ildiko Szabo, Douglas L. Altshuler
Data and code for:
Baliga VB, Szabo I, and Altshuler DL. 2019. Range of motion in the avian wing is strongly associated with flight behavior and body mass. Science Advances. 5, eaaw6670. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aaw6670


U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA9550-16-1-0182, “Avian-inspired multifunctional morphing vehicles” monitored by B. L. Lee)
