Data "Morphological diversity of the genus Telmatochromis from the Lake Tanganyika drainage with the description of a new riverine species and the generic reassignment of the Malagarasi River lamprologine"
The folder 01_data contains all input data used for the study "Morphological diversity of the genus Telmatochromis from the Lake Tanganyika drainage with the description of a new riverine species and the generic reassignment of the Malagarasi River Lamprologine"
Please read the provided README-file for further information on the content of each data set.
The folder 02_scripts provide all code necessary to extract measurements from the raw data, compile the derived data sets, analyze the data and visualise the results. Specific steps are explained in the scripts.
The folder 03_output collects output data when the scripts are executed. The main derived datasets (morphological measurements extracted from the landmark data) are also provided.
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF; number 206869)
German Academic Exchange Service; DAAD P.R.I.M.E fellowship