Costa et al. Multiple mating rescues offspring sex ratio but not productivity in a haplodiploid exposed to developmental heat stress
The data and scripts presented were used to assess how a sublethal high temperature (36°C) affects the reproductive system of a haplodiploid species. Using spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) developed either at 25°C or 36°C, we paired individuals in four treatments (♀25°C x ♂25°C, ♀25°C x ♂36°C, ♀36°C x ♂25°C, ♀36°C x ♂36°C), to measure the effect of temperature on the fertility of both sexes, mating and remating eagerness, and the paternity of the offspring of females with different mating histories.
Files available:
We provide 3 .R files (Script_statistical_analysis_Fertility_and_Paternity_Share, Script_statistical_analysis_Mating_Behavior, Script_figures) and 6 .csv files (Dataset_Fertility_and_Paternity_share, Dataset_altered_Fertility_and_Paternity_share, Dataset_means_Fertility_and_Paternity_share, Dataset_Mating_behavior, Dataset_means1_Mating_behavior, Dataset_means2_Mating_behavior).
This file contains the script used to make the statistical analysis for the Fertility and Paternity Share experiment.
This file contains the script used to make the statistical analysis for the Mating Behavior experiment.
This file contains the script used to create all the figures.
This file contains the raw data of the effect of temperature on fertility and paternity share.
Table headers are explained below:
Temp_fxm_1M - developmental temperatures of the female and male paired (1st mating of the female).
Temp_fem - developmental temperature of the female (25°C or 36°C).
Temp_male - developmental temperature of the male (25°C or 36°C).
Type_M - mating history of the female (SM, if single mated; DM, if double mated; MM, if multiple mated).
Rep - replicate number per treatment.
Block - day in which matings were observed.
Rtemp - temperature of the observation room.
Rhum - humidity of the observation room.
Fecundity - number of eggs laid during 4 days per female.
Unhatched_eggs - number of eggs that did not develop.
Total_daughters - number of adult daughters counted.
Total_sons - number of adult sons counted.
Total_contribution_males - sum of adult daughters and unhatched eggs.
Total_offspring - sum of adult daughters, adult sons and unhatched eggs.
Prop_daughters_ue - proportion of adult daughters in the fertilized offspring (Total_daughters / Total_contribution_males).
Prop_fert_off - proportion of adult daughters and unhatched eggs in the offspring (Total_contribution_males / Total_offspring).
Observations - any observations made in each replicate.
This file contains the same raw data as Dataset_Fertility_and_Paternity_share, and includes 4 more lines (in SM from each treatment) to deal with the lack of variance in Total_daughters and Unhatched_eggs, which impeded the statistical analysis.
Table headers are similar to the ones in Dataset_Fertility_and_Paternity_share.
This file contains the means of each variable studied for the effect of temperature on fertility and paternity share.
Table headers are explained below:
Temp_fxm_1M - developmental temperatures of the female and male paired (1st mating of the female).
Temp_fem - developmental temperature of the female (25°C or 36°C).
Temp_male - developmental temperature of the first male (25°C or 36°C).
Type_M - mating history of the female (SM, if single mated; DM, if double mated; MM, if multiple mated).
Mean_prop_fem_ue - mean proportion of daughters and unhatched eggs in the offspring per treatment and female mating history.
Mean_total_off - mean number of offspring (daughters, sons and unhatched eggs) per treatment and female mating history.
Mean_prop_fem - mean proportion of adult daughters in the fertilized offspring (daughters and unhatched eggs) per treatment and female mating history.
This file contains the raw data of the effect of temperature on mating behavior.
Table headers are explained below:
Temp_fxm_1M - developmental temperatures of the female and male paired (1st mating of the female).
Temp_fem - developmental temperature of the female (25°C or 36°C).
Temp_male - developmental temperature of the male (25°C or 36°C).
Type_M - mating history of the female (SM, if single mated; MM, if multiple mated).
Rep - replicate number per treatment.
Block - day in which matings were observed.
Rtemp - temperature of the observation room.
Rhum - humidity of the observation room.
Mating_rate - number of times the female mated.
Lat_sec1 - latency to the first copulation of the female.
CopYN - if the female mated a first time (1=yes, 0=no).
Cop_sec1 - duration of the first copulation of the female.
Lat_sec2 - latency to the second copulation of the female.
Cop2YN - if the female mated a second time (1=yes, 0=no).
Cop_sec2 - duration of the second copulation of the female.
Fecundity - number of eggs laid during 4 days per female.
Total_daughters - number of adult daughters counted.
Total_sons - number of adult sons counted.
Sex_ratio - proportion of adult daughters in the offspring (adult daughters and sons).
Total_adults - sum of adult daughters and sons.
Observations - any observations made in each replicate.
This file contains the means of each variable studied for the effect of temperature on mating behavior.
Table headers are explained below:
Temp_fxm_1M - developmental temperatures of the female and male paired (1st mating of the female).
Temp_fem - developmental temperature of the female (25°C or 36°C).
Temp_male - developmental temperature of the first male (25°C or 36°C).
Mean_lat1 - mean latency to the first copulation of the female per treatment.
Mean_cop1 - mean duration of the first copulation of the female per treatment.
Mean_lat2 - mean latency to the second copulation of the female per treatment.
Mean_cop2 - mean duration of the second copulation of the female per treatment.
This file contains the means of each variable studied for the effect of temperature on mating behavior present in the supplementary material.
Table headers are explained below:
Temp_fxm_1M - developmental temperatures of the female and male paired (1st mating of the female).
Temp_fem - developmental temperature of the female (25°C or 36°C).
Temp_male - developmental temperature of the first male (25°C or 36°C).
Type_M - mating history of the female (SM, if single mated; MM, if multiple mated).
Mean_off - mean number of offspring (adult daughters and sons) per treatment and female mating history.
Mean_sexratio - mean proportion of adult daughters in the offspring (adult daughters and sons) per treatment and female mating history.