ALLtrees_v2.csv (289.5 MB)


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Version 4 2019-10-23, 14:25
Version 3 2019-10-23, 14:25
Version 2 2019-06-17, 21:14
Version 1 2019-01-21, 16:21
posted on 2019-10-23, 14:25 authored by Atticus StovallAtticus Stovall

Data for: Tree height explains mortality risk during an intense drought

Tree-level Information

Zone: tree ID number

Zmax: tree height (m)

Count: integer value (1)

Yearly Pixel-based Mortality Estimates

mort2009: % of “dead” pixels in 2009

mort2010: as above for 2010

mort2012: as above for 2012

mort2014: as above for 2014

mort2016: as above for 2016

Tree-level Mortality Estimates

x: x coordinate (UTM Zone 11N)

y: y coordinate (UTM Zone 11N)

dead: 0 = Live; 1 = Dead, based on 37.5% crown mortality threshold

mort_year: Estimated year of mortality

Environmental Variables

tmax: PRISM mean of maximum temperature (degrees C) over the study period.

ppt: PRISM mean of maximum temperature (mm) over the study period.

pptn: WorldClim annual precipitation normals (mm) from 1981-2010.

tmaxn: WorldClim maximum temperature normals (degrees C) from 1981-2010.

aws: SURGGO available soil water (mm)

elevation: LiDAR 1 m elevation (m)

slope: LiDAR slope 1 m (degrees)

aspect: LiDAR 1 m aspect (degrees)

cover: LiDAR 1 ha forest cover (%)

vpdmax: PRISM mean VPDmax (hectopascals)
