Bicycle Steer Torque Magnitude Measurement Dataset
A torque wrench was fixed to the stem of the bicycle fork and two riders performed a set of controlled maneuvers at various speeds. The torque wrench, handlebars and speedometer were recorded from a camera affixed to the bicycle frame. The speed was maintained by an electric hub motor (i.e. no pedaling). The file "data.txt" includes the run number that corresponds to the video number, the rider's estimate of the speed after the run in miles per hour, the maximum reading from the torque needle after the run in inch-lbs, the rider's name, the maneuver, the minimum speed seen on the video footage in miles per hour, the maximum speed seen on the video footage in miles per hour, the maximum torque seen on the video footage in inch-lbs, the minimum torque seen on the video footage in newton-meters, and the rotation sense for each run (+ for clockwise [right turn] and - for counter clockwise [left turn]). There were seven different maneuvers: straight into tracking a half circle (radius = 6 meters and 10 meters), tracking a straight line, straight to a 2 meter lane change, slalom with 3 meter spacing, steady circle tracking (radius = 5 and 10 meters).
Details of the experiments and example results can be found in:
Moore, J. K., "Human Control of a Bicycle", 2012
All of the video data is hosted on the Internet Archive: