It includes the graphics shown in the post and a 7z-archive with the following content:
Splits-NEXUS-formatted raw neighbour-net files, which include the used distance matrices (*.dist).
DE18.mean.dist — the all-inclusive graph (and distance matrix)
DE18.FG.VS.dist — a graph reduced to the focus group (fossils + Chloranthales + Ceratophyllum + Amborella) and using a distance matrix as input generated by excluding all invariable ("constant") characters within the focus group
Ready-to-use NEXUS-formatted versions of Doyle & Endress' 2010 and 2018 matrices – files labelled as DE10.simple.nex and DE18.simple.nex.
Important citation note: Make sure that when you re-use these data to cite not only this figshare fileset but also the original papers
Doyle JA, Endress PK. 2010. Integrating Early Cretaceous fossils into the phylogeny of living angiosperms: Magnoliidae and eudicots. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 48:1–35.
Doyle JA, Endress PK. 2018. Phylogenetic analyses of Cretaceous fossils related to Chloranthaceae and their evolutionary implications. Botanical Review DOI:10.1007/s12229-018-9197-6.