
A global, empirical, harmonised dataset of Soil Organic Carbon under Perennial Crops

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Version 2 2019-04-23, 11:16
Version 1 2019-03-28, 11:29
posted on 2019-04-23, 11:16 authored by Alicia LedoAlicia Ledo, Jonathan Hillier, Pete Smith, Eduardo Aguilera, Sergey Blagodatskiy, Francis Q. Brearley, Ashim Datta, Eugenio Diaz-Pines, Axel Don, Marta Dondini, Jennifer Dunn, Diana Marisa Feliciano, Mark A. Liebig, Rong Lang, Mireia Llorente, Yuri Lopes Zinn, Niall McNamara, Stephen Ogle, Zhangcai Qin, Pere Rovira, Rebecca Rowe, José Luis Vicente-Vicente, Jeanette Whitaker, Qian Yue, Ayalsew Zerihun
This dataset is associated with the manuscript "Soil organic carbon changes under perennial crops. A global, empirical, harmonised dataset" by: A. Ledo et al.


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