
A Two-Year Comprehensive Dataset on Occupant Behavior, Indoor Environmental Quality, and Energy Use Before and After Dormitory Retrofits

posted on 2024-10-07, 13:28 authored by Pratik PandeyPratik Pandey, Nina Wilson, Bing Dong

This link presents a comprehensive 2-year-long dataset capturing Occupant Behavior (OB) of students living in residential dorms, collected both before and after a complete building envelope and energy retrofit. The dataset is categorized into three data sets: occupant behavior, indoor environmental quality, and detailed energy usage. Occupant behavior data includes window and door status, while IEQ data comprises measurements of indoor CO₂, total volatile organic compounds (TVOC), temperature, relative humidity, and lighting levels. Energy data spans 16 electrical channels in the building, covering stove usage, exhaust hood, lights, refrigerator, plug loads, HVAC energy consumption by zone, water heater, and Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) units (post-retrofit). This dataset offers significant value by enabling researchers to quantify key relationships among occupant behavior, building energy efficiency, and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), acknowledging the influence of behavior on these outcomes. The folder named 'Before_Retrofit' contains data for all dorms prior to the retrofit, and the 'After_Retrofit' folder contains data post-retrofit.


New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA Grant No: 154002)
