
300 Random Asian Faces

Version 3 2018-11-19, 21:39
Version 2 2018-11-19, 21:27
Version 1 2018-11-19, 21:24
posted on 2018-11-19, 21:39 authored by DongWon OhDongWon Oh, Shuo WangShuo Wang, Alexander TodorovAlexander Todorov
Three-Hundred Random Asian Faces.
LAST UPDATE: November 2018.
DongWon Oh (New York University)
Shuo Wang (West Virginia University)
Alexander Todorov (Princeton University).

These 300 images are "twins" of 300 Caucasian faces that were randomly generated using the Facegen Modeller program ( Version 3.1. The exact procedures are described in Oosterhof and Todorov 2008 (visit for details: In the "300 Random Asian Faces", the FaceGen parameter coordinates of the 300 random Caucasian FaceGen faces are shifted so that the coordinates of the face images center around the average coordinates of the East Asian face in the FaceGen model, which were calculated from the actaual East Asian faces, measured via 3d laser scanning. This shifting procedure essentially makes the faces on average appear more East Asian.

This face image set can be used for example when building a data-driven face evaluation model of Asian faces (e.g., a face model of trustworthiness judgement). See Oosterhof & Todorov (2008) and Todorov & Oosterhof (2011) for details.

If you use any of the images from the set, cite the following article:

Oosterhof, N. N., & Todorov, A. (2008). The functional basis of face evaluation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 105(32), 11087–11092.
