bilat_mig_sex.csv (21.73 MB)

Bilateral international migration flow estimates by sex

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Version 3 2022-10-28, 03:35
Version 2 2022-01-27, 09:08
Version 1 2022-01-19, 07:09
posted on 2022-10-28, 03:35 authored by Guy AbelGuy Abel

Estimates of bilateral international migration flows by sex between 1990-1995 and 2015-2020 based on methods presented in Abel & Cohen (2022). Part of collection of files related to bilateral international migration flow estimates by sex. See the Figshare collection for other files, including additional bilateral estimates by sex and type of move (outward migration, return migration, and transit migration).

You might also be interested in files for total bilateral international migration flow estimates, provided in another Figshare collection.


Use the download button above for the CSV file or run the code below to directly bring into R:


f <- read_csv("")

Version Details

Estimates of international migration flows by sex from Abel & Cohen (2022) based on the most recent published UN DESA International Migrant Stock (IMS2020) and World Population Prospects (WPP2022) data inputs.  

See Version 1 (link above) for estimates presented in the paper, based on WPP2019 and IMS2020.

A description of the changes between each version of the estimates (of total flows, not by sex) can be found here.

Data Details

Row for each migration corridor - period - sex combination (225 origins x 225 destinations x 3 periods x 2 sexes + 226 origins x 226 destinations x 1 period x 2 sexes + 229 origins x 229 destinations x 2 periods x 2 sexes = 615,666).

Four columns for each of the data dimensions:

year0 First year of five-year period
sex Sex of persons
orig Origin ISO three letter country code
dest                         Destination ISO three letter country

See the county list file for country names corresponding to the ISO three letter country codes.

Six columns of estimated flows from six different flow-from-stock estimation method:

sd_drop_neg Stock differencing, drop negative values
sd_rev_neg Stock differencing, reverse negative values to counterflow
mig_rate Migration rates method
da_min_open Demographic accounting, minimize migrant transitions (maximize stayers) - open accounting system
da_min_closed                                           Demographic accounting, minimize migrant transitions (maximize stayers) - closed accounting system
da_pb_closed Demographic accounting, pseudo-Bayesian average of migrant transitions and stayers - closed accounting system

See the paper for full details on each of the methods and the usage notes.


National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Program, Grant/Award Number: 41871142
