Performances 1 - Performances’22 : A Workshop on Designing the Performances of the Future at IMX 2022
This workshop aims to start a conversation as to what the performances of the future might look like by inviting both researchers and practitioners to present their work in this domain. It will explore the interception of technology and performance, with a focus on how technology might be leveraged to enhance performances and the process of developing performances, provide new ways to reach and interact with audiences, as well as how it can create new ways of performing.
Ppali, S., Branch, B., Covaci, A., Wohl, B. & Lalioti, V. (2022). A Workshop on Designing the Performances of the Future at IMX 2022. In Performances’22 : A Workshop on Designing the Performances of the Future at IMX 2022 - ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences: IMX 2022 (pp. 159-162). Aveiro, Portugal.