
Framing the Peace and War Journalism on the Palestinian Presidents by Malaysian Media

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-06-10, 04:22 authored by Mohammed Fadel ArandasMohammed Fadel Arandas

Peace journalism replaced the dominant war journalism due to the prevalence of propaganda in the era of World Wars and the Cold War. The need has emerged to replace, refine, reconstruct, and improve the role and reputation of journalism after serving as a part of the propaganda apparatus and being complicit in propaganda and war chaos. A transition of the role of Journalists was required to be shifted from propagandists and pro-war to peacemakers. The media coverage of peace and war influences the public on their way of thinking, thus contributing to fuelling or resolving tension and conflicts. This study explores the news stories of the New Straits Times (NST) on peace and war journalism on the two Palestinian Presidents. Framing theory is used in this study. To achieve the research objectives of this study, a content analysis was employed on the newspaper's coverage for a total of 21 years from 1996, since the first Palestinian General Election was held until coverage declined in 2016. A total of 335 news stories were found in NST about the two Palestinian Presidents regarding peace and war journalism. The peace stories figured 97.9% compared to 2.1% for war stories. The results revealed that President Arafat used both peace and war approaches compared to President Abbas who only used the peace approach. The coverage of NST reflected its support for peace and solution initiatives rather than war and conflict.
