2 files


Version 5 2020-03-20, 03:26
Version 4 2020-03-20, 03:26
Version 3 2019-03-17, 01:59
Version 2 2019-03-17, 01:58
Version 1 2018-08-21, 05:07
posted on 2020-03-20, 03:26 authored by Gede Primahadi Wijaya RajegGede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg
Collocates retriever and Collocation association measure

This is an R package for retrieving collocates around a (set of) node/search word(s) and for measuring the association strength between the node/search word(s) and the collocates. The current version accepts input data of text from the sentence-based corpus of the (Indonesian) Leipzig Corpora Collection.

This package is still under development. Versioning of this figshare repository is synchronised with the latest GitHub release of the package.

For installation and further details, see the GitHub repository of the package and the package's website in the References section below. To cite the package, see here.


Monash International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (MIPRS)

Monash Graduate Scholarships (MGS)
