
Cycamore v1.6.0

posted on 2024-06-26, 15:01 authored by Amanda BachmannAmanda Bachmann, Jin Whan Bae, Anna Caldwell-OverdierAnna Caldwell-Overdier, Gwendolyn Chee, Roberto Fairhurst Agosta, Robert Flanagan, Adam Glenn, Kathryn HuffKathryn Huff, Baptiste MouginotBaptiste Mouginot, Katie MummahKatie Mummah, Ben NibbelinkBen Nibbelink, Arrielle OpotowskyArrielle Opotowsky, Gyutae Park, Max Schalz, Anthony ScopatzAnthony Scopatz, Jordan Stomps, Sonata Vilmante, Paul WilsonPaul Wilson

Release 1.6.0 of CYClus Additional MOdels REpository

The Cyclus team has developed a simple standard set of archetypes to support basic fuel cycle modeling situations. In most cases they implement very simple models and are useful for tutorials such as this, and as a standard way to model facilities that may be at the peripheral of a problem.
