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skn-1 co-regulates gene expression with atf-7 and elt-2.

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posted on 2015-05-27, 03:44 authored by Dena H. S. Block, Kwame Twumasi-Boateng, Hae Sung Kang, Jolie A. Carlisle, Alexandru Hanganu, Ty Yu-Jen Lai, Michael Shapira

A-C, Gene expression (log scale) in wildtype or atf-7(qd22qd130) animals fed with designated RNAi’s during development. Averages ± SDs for two independent experiments (or three, in C), with *p<0.05 and **p<0.0005 (t-test) for differences between groups joined by line (A), or between marked groups and their respective references (B). A, basal expression following development knock-down, with values and statistics relative to values in wt;EV, not shown. B, similar RNAi treatments as in A, followed by exposure to P. aeruginosa (PA). Responses to PA are shown as fold over basal expression in similarly-treated worms grown on E. coli (EC). C, basal expression following development knock-down; note effective induction of T24B8.5, clec-85 and clec-186 by vhp-1 RNAi in the context of a double knock-down. D, Survival curves for atf-7(qd22qd130) animals fed with designated RNAi’s during development, followed by infection; averages ± SDs for three plates (N = 83–90 per group).
