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UR domains are heterochromatic.

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posted on 2014-05-01, 03:35 authored by Roberta L. Hannibal, Edward B. Chuong, Juan Carlos Rivera-Mulia, David M. Gilbert, Anton Valouev, Julie C. Baker

A. UR domains correlate with histone marks. Screen shot from the UCSC genome browser of the last half of chromosome 14 (schematic shown above screen shot) showing the following: 3SEQ from in vivo e9.5 TGCs and in vitro d7 TGCs (black), active histone marks (H3K27ac, H3K4me1, H3K4me3; dark purple) and repressive histone marks (H3K9me3, H3K27me3; orange) for cultured TS cells and TGCs, and aCGH and WGS data from in vivo e9.5 TGCs (pink/red). Histone mark mean is darker color, maximum is lighter color. UR domains boxed in pink. B. UR domains are a subset of heterochromatin in TS cells. The Pearson correlation (R) between NLog2 values of TGC vs. embryo (WGS) and fold enrichment (FE) for histone marks. Data points represent 1 Mb windows in the genome. UR domains (negative NLog2 values) are correlated with high values for repressive histone marks (negative R values). UR domains (negative NLog2 values) are negatively correlated with high values for active histone marks (positive R values). Red lines represent the lowess line (locally weighted scatterplot smoothing) of the data points. UR domains boxed in pink. C. UR domains are a subset of heterochromatin in TGCs. See (B) for plot details.
