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Reproducible Research, IPOL, and Satellite Stereo Image - Barcelona 2014-01-09

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posted on 2014-01-21, 00:26 authored by Gabriele FaccioloGabriele Facciolo, Carlo De Franchis, Nicolas LimareNicolas Limare, Enric Meinhardt-LlopisEnric Meinhardt-Llopis

Presented at the UPF-DTIC Research Seminar 2014-01-09, Barcelona, Spain

Software is nowadays essential for research as we use it to solve all sort of problems. Unlike commercial software, research software is not meant to be released as it's usually tailored to a concrete experimental setup. Yet, nobody doubts its importance as in many cases it embodies the scientific process itself. In the first part of my talk I'm going to share our experiences with IPOL: an on-line journal for image processing that follows the reproducible research model. The distinguishing characteristic of IPOL articles is that each article includes an on-line demo that permits to test the algorithm with new data and parameters, and an archive that stores all original test data used in the demo. This provides great insight into the algorithm's inner workings and limitations, facilitating the experimentation and leading to a stricter verification of the algorithms.

In the second part of my talk I'm going to present a stereo pipeline for Pléiades satellite imagery (S2P). This is ongoing work being developed at ENS Cachan as part of a PhD thesis. The S2P pipeline automatically generates digital elevation models from quasi-simultaneous tristereo images acquired with the Pléiades satellite. The particularity of the S2P pipeline is that it permits to use conventional stereo tools developed for the pinhole camera geometry. Although the acquisition system does not fit the pinhole camera model, we show that the errors due to its assumption are negligible for the intended image sizes. Another compelling characteristic of this pipeline is that its code will soon be made available and that it can be tested as an on-line IPOL demo.


Some slides courtesy of C. De Franchis, N. Limare and E. Meinhardt-Llopis:
