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Protection from the toxic effects of the xenobiotic RPW-24 requires MDT-15, but not PMK-1.

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posted on 2014-05-29, 04:26 authored by Read Pukkila-Worley, Rhonda L. Feinbaum, Deborah L. McEwan, Annie L. Conery, Frederick M. Ausubel

(A) The thirteen xenobiotic detoxification genes that were induced 4-fold or greater by RPW-24 in the NanoString nCounter gene expression analysis are presented. The top panel compares the RPW-24-mediated induction of these genes in vector control (L4440) and mdt-15(RNAi) animals, and the bottom panel shows these data for wild-type N2 versus pmk-1(km25) animals, as described in the legend for Figure 2. * p<0.05 for the comparison of the RPW-24-induced conditions. (B) Vector control (L4440), mdt-15(RNAi) and pmk-1(RNAi) animals were exposed to 70 µM RPW-24 or the solvent control DMSO from the L1 stage and photographed after 70 hours of development at 20°C. See Figure S4 for the quantification data from this experiment.
