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Mediation analysis with estimated group differences based on linear mixed models*.

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posted on 2015-04-28, 03:06 authored by Karlijn J. Barnhoorn, J. Bart Staal, Robert T. M. van Dongen, Jan Paul M. Frölke, Frank P. Klomp, Henk van de Meent, Han Samwel, Maria W. G. Nijhuis-van der Sanden

*Linear mixed models with unstructured repeated covariance, treatment and measurement in time as factors and outcome at baseline as covariate, corrected for “extremity”, “dominant side affected”, and “time since inciting event” as confounding variables.

PEPT = Pain Exposure Physical Therapy. CONV = conventional treatment. VAS = Visual Analogue Scale. FABQ = Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire. PCS = Pain Catastrophizing Scale.

Mediation analysis with estimated group differences based on linear mixed models*.
