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Mapping epitopes onto the trans TPO dimer.

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posted on 2015-12-01, 16:01 authored by Sarah N. Le, Benjamin T. Porebski, Julia McCoey, James Fodor, Blake Riley, Marlena Godlewska, Monika Góra, Barbara Czarnocka, J Paul Banga, David E. Hoke, Itamar Kass, Ashley M. Buckle

(A) Epitopes and residues identified in various studies as constituting immunodominant regions IDR-A (blue) and IDR-B (pink); (B) Membrane-facing side of MPO-like domain; (C) Close-up shows that much of the two immunodominant regions are on the membrane-facing surface of the MPO-like domain, particularly IDR-B; (D) Lumen-facing side of TPO. Hemes are shown in orange.
