Fig_12.tif (2.77 MB)

Images reconstructed using fully sampled noiselet encoded and Fourier encoded data acquired on the 3T scanner (up/down: phase encodes, left/right: frequency encode).

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posted on 2015-05-12, 02:50 authored by Kamlesh Pawar, Gary Egan, Jingxin Zhang

The noiselet encoded data was acquired using the pulse sequence described in section III C, and Fourier encoded data was acquired using a conventional spin echo sequence. (c)-(f): show the zoomed portion of the images in (b) and (e) respectively, with the zoomed images demonstrating that noiselet encoding provides similar image resolution to that of Fourier encoding; (g)-(h): show T2 and T1 weighted brain images using noiselet encoding respectively; (i)-(j): show T2 and T1 weighted brain images using Fourier encoding respectively. These in vivo images demonstrate the practical feasibility of the proposed noiselet encoding scheme.
