Fig_10.tif (354.57 kB)

Histogram presentation of the ratios of 10 high-abundance SOD transcripts.

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posted on 2015-04-20, 03:17 authored by Jǖgang Wang, Rong Zheng, Shulan Bai, Xiaomin Gao, Min Liu, Wei Yan

Fold a represents the fold change (DS/WW) in transcript expression measured through RNA-seq. Fold b is the fold change (DS/WW) in transcript expression measured through qRT-PCR. A is comp65789_c0_seq1; B is comp65789_c0_seq2; C is comp65789_c0_seq3; D is comp65789_c0_seq4; E is comp61947_c0_seq1; F is comp63868_c0_seq1; G is comp68247_c0_seq1; H is comp70463_c0_seq1; I is comp63735_c0_seq1; J is comp70328_c0_seq1.
