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Caspase-11 mediates inflammasome activation in response to a functional Yersinia type III secretion system.

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posted on 2013-06-06, 01:04 authored by Cierra N. Casson, Alan M. Copenhaver, Erin E. Zwack, Hieu T. Nguyen, Till Strowig, Bahar Javdan, William P. Bradley, Thomas C. Fung, Richard A. Flavell, Igor E. Brodsky, Sunny Shin

BMDMs from B6, Casp1−/−Casp11−/−, Casp1−/−, or Casp11−/− mice were primed with 0.05 µg/mL LPS for 4 hours and infected with type III secretion system-deficient Y. pseudotuberculosisyopB Yp), effectorless Y. pseudotuberculosis ΔHOJMEK (Δ6 Yp), or PBS (mock infection) or treated with 2.5 mm ATP for 4 hours. (A) Levels of IL-1α and IL-1β in the supernatants were measured by ELISA. (B) Cell death (% cytotoxicity) was measured by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release relative to Triton X-100-lysed cells. Graphs show the mean ± SEM of triplicate wells. Data are representative of two independent experiments. *** is p<0.001 and ** is p<0.01 by two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-test. NS is not significant.
