14 files

Where are Australian jobs growing or shrinking (2002 - 2014; over 100 regions; SA4 level)?

Version 7 2017-03-29, 05:51
Version 6 2017-03-28, 01:26
Version 5 2017-01-17, 04:42
Version 4 2016-12-20, 02:23
Version 3 2016-10-25, 04:53
Version 2 2016-10-25, 04:00
Version 1 2016-10-25, 03:27
posted on 2016-10-25, 04:00 authored by Richard FerrersRichard Ferrers, Australian Tax Office, AURIN

This data - count of employees by 100 regions within Australia (over 12 years; 2002 - 2014) - 8.5M 2002 -> 10.3M 2014.

Parent data - Employee $ DATA by detailed occupation, by location (SA4), by year; 

This dataset is an aggregation of all Australian Salaries and Wages by location and over 12 years in four year snapshots (2002, 2006, 2010, 2014). Some data excluded which was not allocated to a SA4 location. Source Data from ATO; Australian Tax Office.

HeadcountRaw.csv provides total data (employee count). Includes total counts per SA4 location, and percent change between each of the years; 2002 - 6; 2006 - 10; 2010 - 14 eg 101 means 1% increase.

HeadcountRaw_display.csv provides data (employee count) to visualise at (1) National or (2) This only includes the data for SA4 regions which can be visualised.

Method; CSV files loaded into MariaDB on Nectar Infrastructure (refer NCRIS). Access through

Data request at: Ideascale

Original data (parent data) at:
Parent data description: "Individuals data for 2001-02, 2005-06, 2009-10 and 2013-14 income years. Table 1: Salary and Wages income, by Occupation and SA4 location Table 2: Sole trader business income, by Industry and SA4 location." Sole trader data not included in this sub-collection.

See analysis in progress for:

=> Individual income by occupation / location 


To recreate #datavis - 

How To To view on National Map ( mapping tool). 

1. Save data as csv. 

Data (loaded here), currently at:

2. Open 

3. Click 'Add Data'. 
4. Drag csv file onto map. 

5. Click Done. 
6. Select Year in control panel (lower left of screen). Raw shows count of jobs. Year shows % change from four years earlier. 
7. Click on region (SA4) to see data for that region.

Data format: Year | Occupation | Location (SA4) | Count of Workers | $ of Workers 
Year: [2002, 2006, 2010, 2014]

Salary and Wages; 200,000 lines (summary only included here)
* Sole Proprietors; 100,000 lines (not included here)

Occupation: Description at Australian Bureau of Statistics. (3,216 lines) (link below)

SA4 Location descriptions at:

#dataTotals - Salary and Wages

YearWorkers (M)Earnings ($B)GDP USD($B)

Table 1: Aust. Salary and Wages 2002 - 2014.

GDP info from: Trading Economics (link below).


1. Three Chloro images made at (AU researcher login required). eg  Chloro12_2014 is 12 colour chloropeth, for 2010 - 2014, Chloro12_2010 is 2006 - 2010, Chloro12_2006 is 2002 - 2006.

Please cite images as: Ferrers, R., ATO - User uploaded data (2016) visualised in AURIN portal (map visualisation chloropeth) on 25.8.2016. Viewed online at:

2. Red/Orange (year.tiff) images made at, where 2014.tiff is percent difference 2010 - 2014, 2010.tiff is 2006 - 2010, 2006.tiff is 2002 - 2006.


This #datavis was used in a University of Melbourne Library Hackathon - Hack for Good (25.8.16) -

Slides attached below: (see Canva link; Ferrers, Li, Kreunen and Lindsay (2016). L^2 Local Livability Index. Online at:



