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The open citations revolution

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posted on 2017-10-21, 10:22 authored by Silvio PeroniSilvio Peroni
Citations are the primary tool to acknowledge others' prior work on a particular topic. They enable one to find key publications within a particular field, and are used also for research purposes – e.g. people working in Bibliometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics use them for analysing the complex relationships that exist within huge networks of citations of scholarly works. In addition, citation data are important for the assessment of the quality of research by means of metrics and indicators calculated from citation databases. However, the cruel reality is that citations have been locked up in close silos for years, and often they can only be accessed by paying significant subscription fees.

But the scenario is quickly changing. In the past years, several initiatives (I4OC, OpenCitations, WikiCite, LORC, etc.) have started to promote the availability of open citation data. In this talk I will introduce some of the main significative efforts in the area, focussing on the way Semantic Publishing technologies have been used and adopted for enabling a FAIR publication of open citation data.
