Fig 2.tif (530.07 kB)

Tg4KO mice show reduced induction of IL-10+ T cells and tolerance-associated transcription factors following [4Y] treatment.

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posted on 2017-02-03, 18:56 authored by Graham J. Britton, Ruth E. Mitchell, Bronwen R. Burton, David C. Wraith

(A) Representative flow cytometry plots and plots of all data (B-G) showing production of selected cytokines by splenic CD4+ T cells from Tg4WT and Tg4KO mice treated with [4Y] or PBS following ex vivo restimulation with PMA and ionomycin. (H) Representative flow cytometry plots and plots of combined data (I-J) of FoxP3 and cMaf expression in splenic CD4+ T cells from Tg4WT and Tg4KO mice treated with [4Y] or PBS. All flow cytometry data is gated on live (viability dye-) CD4+ cells. (K-M) Expression of Il10, cmaf and Nfil3 in magnetically-isolated CD4+ splenocytes from Tg4WT and Tg4KO treated with [4Y], restimulated for 18 hours ex vivo with anti-CD3ε and CD28, as measured by RT-PCR. Plots F, G, K-M show data from one experiment with 3–4 mice per group. All other plots show the data from two experiments combined, with a total of 6–8 mice per group. All plots show the mean +/- SEM with each point representing data from one animal. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001, ns p>0.05 assessed by ANOVA with Tukey’s correction for multiple comparisons (plots B-G and I-J). p values shown in K-M were calculated by two-tailed Student’s T test.
