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Supplementary Tables S1-S3

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posted on 2015-06-25, 12:12 authored by Alberto PessiaAlberto Pessia, Yonatan Grad, Sarah Cobey, Jukka Corander, Juha Santeri Puranen

Pessia, A., Grad, Y., Cobey, S., Puranen, J. S. & Corander, J. K-Pax2: Bayesian identification of cluster-defining amino acid positions in large sequence datasets.

Supplementary Table S1. Complete list of sequence accession numbers and metadata.

Supplementary Table S2. K-Pax2 output summary. The table contains, for each cluster, the values of the most relevant statistical variables.

Supplementary Table S3. List of authors, originating and submitting laboratories of the sequences from GISAID EpiFlu™ Database on which the research is based.
