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Supplement Information from Deciphering noise amplification and reduction in open chemical reaction networks

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-12-05, 11:19 authored by Fabrizio Pucci, Marianne Rooman
The impact of fluctuations on the dynamical behaviour of complex biological systems is a longstanding issue, whose understanding would elucidate how evolutionary pressure tends to modulate intrinsic noise. Using the Itō stochastic differential equation formalism, we performed analytic and numerical analyses of model systems containing different molecular species in contact with the environment and interacting with each other through mass-action kinetics. For networks of zero deficiency, which admit a detailed- or complex-balanced steady state, all molecular species are uncorrelated and their Fano factors are Poissonian. Systems of higher deficiency have non-equilibrium steady states and non-zero reaction fluxes flowing between the complexes. When they model homo-oligomerization, the noise on each species is reduced when the flux flows from the oligomers of lowest to highest degree, and amplified otherwise. In the case of hetero-oligomerization systems, only the noise on the highest-degree species shows this behaviour.
