3 files

Supplement 1. Data set used in the meta-analysis and associated references.

posted on 2016-08-05, 09:34 authored by Diane S. Srivastava, Bradley J. Cardinale, Amy L. Downing, J. Emmett Duffy, Claire Jouseau, Mahesh Sankaran, Justin P. Wright

File List

RefTableS1.txt -- contains the full reference for studies cited in TableS1.csv
TableS1.csv -- contains the data used in the meta-analysis


This data set has been compiled by the authors of this article as part of their participation in Adaptive Synthesis Workshop III, Bio.M.E.R.G.E. (Biotic Mechanisms of Ecosystem Regulation in the Global Environment) organized by Shahid Naeem, Columbia University. The authors would appreciate being first contacted by those individuals interested in conducting further analyses based on this data set. TableS1.csv consists of data and statistics from 28 studies that examined the effects of either consumer (detritivore) or detrital diversity on resource depletion (RD), standing stocks of consumers (SSc), and/or standing stocks of detritus (SSd). Reasons behind non-calculable (n/c) entries are outlined in the article text.

In the file TableS1.csv, the columns are:

Expt = Experiment
Study = study citation, see reference list in this Supplement
From = Data source (F = Figure, T = Table)
TL = Trophic level manipulated (TD = consumer, BU = detritus)
Response = Response metric (RD = resource depletion, SSd = standing stock detritus, SSc = standing stock consumers)
RD = RD measure (C = consumption, I = instantaneous, T = temporal change)
Consumer = Consumer type (B = bacteria, F = fungi, M = metazoa)
System = (A = aquatic, T = terrestrial)
Setting = Experiment setting (1 = lab or greenhouse, 2 = field)
Manip = Richness manipulation (1 = full assembly, 2 = random assembly, 3 = nonrandom)
MaxS = Maximum richness
Length = Experiment duration (days)
PopDyn = Population dynamics (Y = occurred, N = did not occur)
LRR = log response ratio
vLRR = variance in LRR
ciLRR = (+/-) 95% CI for LRR
Z = Power function exponent
r2Z = Power function r-squared
seZ = S.E. power function exponent

Cell values that are either not calculable or not applicable are indicated as 'NA'.
Checksum values for the numerical columns are:

Setting: 120
Manip: 145
MaxS: 690
Length: 10205.66
LRR: 7.8815
vLRR: 1251.237
ciLRR: 101.6575
Z: 7.4845
r2Z: 4819.6
seZ: 8.3824
