4 files

Supplement 1. Data on species composition, treefall events, and topographic features of the study plots.

posted on 2016-08-04, 23:50 authored by Héctor Ricardo Grau

File List



The data file Supl-1.txt has 37 columns and 601 rows. The first row has the species’ code. The first column is the plot name, columns 2 and 3 are the x and y coordinates of the southwest corner of each plot. Columns 4–37 are species densities (stems larger than 5 cm DBH) at each 10 × 10 plot. For species codes see Appendix A.
The data file Supl-2.txt has 5 columns and 231 rows. The first row has the headings of the columns. The first and second rows are x and y coordinates of the base of the gap maker; column 3 is the assigned date; column 4 is the compass direction; column 5 is the length of the main fallen stem.
The data file Supl-3.txt has 3 columns and 176 rows. The first row has the column headings The first column has the x coordinates; the second column y coordinates; third column the elevation (z) at each 20 × 20 m corner.
